How would you like to win 7 Brand New Magnolia Stamps for FREE!!! Worth OVER £40 ($80)
1 Lucky person will receive, All the stamps that are below...

And you beat i ship worldwide!!!! So get spreading the news.
Well here is your chance, Maybe you have never tried magnolia stamps?
( in which case where have you been hiding!!! )
There isn't really any Special Reason for this Lovely Candy, i just felt the urge to do it?
But there is a special way to win seeing as it isn't just for 1 stamp, its for 7 Brand new Stamps!!!!
There must be an extra special way of getting your hands on these,
Here is how to win these stamps...
1, Leave a message on your blog directing everybody to my blog Candy.
& then Leave a message on this post so i know you are wanting to be entered into the draw.
2, I want to see the best piece of work you have ever done! direct me to it on your blog with a LINK ( i must stress about using the links in messages it is so much quicker when you do this and you don't get overlooked)
3, I want to see the worst ever piece of work you haver ever done! , I love seeing the difference between when people first started out to now its a great thing to see.
4, I want you to make a Crafty Storage Item for a Desk ( i have tons and tons of pens, pencils, tools all over my desk and its a fight to keep them neatly stored and i keep buying pots etc but it gets a bit expensive. So show me what can be done! ( i need some sort of copic ciao store system also)
For each of the above stages you will receive your name put in the pot,
Do just 1 you get your name placed in once, Do all 4 you get your name placed in 5 times!!!!
( you must do number 1 to be able to enter)
This blog candy will close on 26th September
Winner will be announced on 28th September