maandag 10 november 2008

magnolia vs stampavie challenge

*Week 2* Clean & Simple
A Nice Clean simple stream line look to be used on your project this week.
& No more than 3 Colours to be used in total!
Don't forget you are free to make anything you wish,
Be it a Card, ATC, Altered Art, Scrapbook page etc

This week the challenge was great again. Last week I recieve my new Magnolia's and I love them all, I would made a composition with three stamps for this challenge
The paper I used is American Crafts the brads are American Crafts too. And the sentiment is from magnolia too.

Thanks for stopping by...
Hugs Lia

13 opmerkingen:

Riet zei

wat een schitterend kaartje heb je weer gemaakt Lia.

liefs Riet.

Lia zei

dank je wel riet
liefs Lia

femke zei

heey lia,

wat een prachtig kaartje weer!!! de magnolia's zijn ook weer geweldig.

groetjes femke

M@ureen zei

Prachtig kaartje Lia, lieve stempels!

tineke zei

Hij is geweldigggg geworden lia
tineke xx

Heidi zei

This is so beautiful Lia, love how you have put together your card. Beautiful colors and details and your coloring is wonderful like always

Hugs from

Lia zei

dank je wel tineke

Lia zei

thank you heidi for your nice comment
big hugs my friend

Jolanda zei

Gaaf kaartje Lia!

Lia zei

dank je wel jolanda

Turid Mari zei

Soo pretty :D

Lia zei

thank you turid

Maria zei

Prachtige kaart Lia!